Friday, August 8, 2014

New Beginnings...

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year at Holy Archangels Academy.  We are an eclectic homeschool that embraces many aspects of the Charlotte Mason and classical education models. We are faithful Catholics who like to work hard, pray hard, and play hard!  We are located outside of Pittsburgh, PA and have been homeschooling since 2010.  HAA is starting a new year and a new blog to chronicle all of our achievements and adventures.  Feel free to follow along on our learning path!

This year we are opening up our school experience to embrace a middle school.  ADJ is officially a sixth grader this year, with a full course load filled with algorithms and analogies, oh my!  He's tackling pre-Algebra, Earth Science, American History, Latin, Spanish, and a strong dose of literature.  He's lined up The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy for fun reading, and we will be concentrating on short stories and nonfiction in his literature studies.  He continues to play football for the sixth year and is on the varsity squad, as well as youth group, altar serving, Bible study, and a host of other activities.

K is ready to go as a K/1 kid this year!  She officially begins her schooling adventures with Math 1, World Cultures, Spanish, The Earth Around Us, and lots and lots of reading.  She is already well on her way to being a great reader after her preK-K work and is thrilled to be "official" this year.  K will be running track in the spring and beginning CCD and Faith Formation this fall.  She is also joining the Youth Praise Choir and can't wait to show her stuff.

We also have two new, temporary additions to our school this fall.  Our southern cousins, A and J are joining our school for part of the fall term.  A is a budding second grader who loves Pete the Cat books and art projects, and J is a kindergarten who can't wait to get his hands on legos and trains.  We will have lots of opportunities to co-op with the kids, who are also going to try their hand at Spanish and piano while they are in SW PA.

Welcome to Holy Archangels Academy!

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